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  • Foto do escritorEmily Montosa Nunes

What did the first steps in your career? What did you learn?

Greetings all,

First of all, I want to say WELCOME TO MY WEBSITE!

In this second publication in my blog, I intend to talk about two great opportunities that I got during my undergraduate time: work as an Extension student in the Mural G-Biotec and work as an internship student in the Oncology Research Group in the Center of Technological Development.

Extension student in the Mural G-Biotec

Mural G-Biotec is an extension project idealized by Dr. Luciana Bicca and which was offered to my colleagues (Jessica Plaça, Lucas Goedert, and Gabriela Debom) and me. The idea was to select news about Biotechnology and exposed them on the wall near the classes room of the Biotechnology building in the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL), in the south of Brazil.

Over the next years, Mural G-Biotec was grown and got a blog, Facebook page, and it was presented in Extension events in Brazil and abroad. Today, Mural G-Biotec is not only “news exposed on a wall”, but it manages a library, offers workshops to schools, and organizes lectures. I am very proud to have believed in this idea and to say I created the blog and managed the Facebook page, beyond to create the modality of lectures (Mural em Ação, or Mural in Action in English) once a month together with Filipe Pereira Dutra.

Working in Mural G-Biotec I learned to work in a team, split functions, organize events, meet deadlines, be responsible, and independent in my functions.

Internship student in the Oncology Research Group

When I started my undergraduate, I found an announcement requesting interviewers for the project entitled “Cervical cancer: HPV and oncogenic genotypes of codon 72 polymorphism of the p53 gene”. I quickly applied in April, I started the training in June, and I got my first scholarship in August 2010, when I also started my first experience in a lab. It was in Grupo de Pesquisa em Oncologia (Oncology Research Group) where I learned DNA extraction by a kit, PCR, and prepare agarose gels. With this project, I got my first award: First-place on oral modality at Health Sciences, the most important project in the Health Science field presented in the “21st Congress of Scientific Initiation” (2012) at the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil. This project also offered me the opportunity to go to the National Institute of Cancer (INCA) in Rio de Janeiro for two weeks and learn a lot about cancer.

Therefore, it was in this lab where I learned how is make science and I’m grateful to Ludmila Entiauspe, the doctorate student who gave me the opportunity to learn everything in her project, Fabiana Kömmling Seixas and Tiago Collares for accepting me in the lab and contribute for the first stepping in my scientific career. Thank you!

And thank you for visiting me and reading my text!

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